Ahmed Mliki has been Professor-Researcher at the Centre of Biotechnology of Borj-Cedria in Tunis, Tunisia since 1995. He has been leading a research group in Plant Biotechnology since 2006. He is a national and international expert in biotechnology and food security. In this respect, he led the national project for elaborating the national strategy and action plan on biosafety, financed by NOEP to the benefit of the Ministry of Environment (2008-2010). He was also the expert responsible for the elaboration of the national strategy on the biotechnology-food industry, a project financed by the European community’s “PASRI initiative” to the benefit of the Ministry of Industry (2013-2014). He also acted as an expert in food security for the EMEG’s (Euro-Mediterranean Expert Group) MEDSPRING project’s food section (2013-2015).
Mliki obtained his PhD degree in Biology in 1990 from the University of Grenoble, France and pursued several postdoc fellowships in Switzerland (Sandoz AG. Company), Italy (TWAS) and USA (UNESCO). He taught plant biotechnology at several universities in Tunisia and Spain (Master-level). He supervised dozens of PhD and Master students in Tunisia, alone and in co-supervision with several European universities, and led several R&I projects and programs involving international cooperation. Pertinent results were published in more than 100 international papers with respectful impact factors and book chapters.