Dr. Amy Dunham is an Associate Professor of Ecology and Evolutionary Biology in the Department of
BioSciences at Rice University in Houston, Texas. Dr. Dunham was a coordinating lead-author for the
African Regional Report of the Intergovernmental Science-Policy Platform for Biodiveristy and
Ecosystem Services (IPBES) (2015-2018). She is a Council Member of the Association for Tropical Biology and Conservation, a faculty associate for the Center for African and African American Studies at Rice University, and serves on Rice’s Committee for Global Engagement and Subcommittee for African
Engagement. Dr. Dunham is a tropical ecologist with current and past work in Madagascar, and West
and Central Africa. Her research addresses the impacts of anthropogenic pressures including
defaunation, invasion and habitat fragmentation on species interactions, communities and ecosystem
processes and services.
Amy Dunham
Associate Professor of Ecology and Evolutionary Biology
Rice University
Member Type
Corresponding Fellow