Annie Elong Ngono

Research Instructor in Immunology
La Jolla Institute for Immunology

Dr. Annie Elong-Ngono received her PhD in immunology in 2014, her MSc in 2010, and her BSc in 2008 from the Faculty of Medicine & Pharmacy at the University of Nantes in France. During her PhD, she studied the role of autoreactive T and B cells in periphery using blood samples from patients with Multiple Sclerosis, an autoimmune disease. Her research focus has since broadened to infectious diseases and mouse models as a post-doctoral researcher in the group of Dr. Sujan Shresta at the La Jolla Institute for Immunology from 2015-2019. She led key projects aimed at understanding the T cell response to infection with flaviviruses, particularly Dengue and Zika Viruses. This field is especially intriguing from an immunological standpoint as cross-reactive anti-flaviviral immunity has the capacity to either protect against or exacerbate clinical disease, depending on the context of subsequent infections. Dr. Annie Elong-Ngono is currently a research instructor at the La Jolla Institute for Immunology.  Her work has extended to the interplay between antibody and T cell responses to investigate the virology, immunogenicity, and pathogenicity of emerging viruses, including SARS-COV2 using patient-derived samples, while also mentoring the next generation of scientists through scientific collaborations with researchers in endemic countries. 

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