Géraldine Mossière

Associate Professor of Anthropology
University of Montréal

As an anthropologist, Géraldine Mossière teaches at the Institut d’Études Religieuses of the University of Montreal, Canada. Her research addresses issues related to religion in modernity, contexts of religious diversity, and French-speaking African space. 

Geopolitical and ideological upheavals opened a space for religious movements and actors coming from either revitalized religious traditions (evangelical and charismatic Christianity, revivals of Islam, local religions such as Kimbanguism) or from imported and locally-reinterpreted movements (Eastern religions driven by Chinese economic migrations, currents of personal development, new markets for religious education invested by Turkish and Shiite schools, etc.). While these actors compete fiercely to conquer local consciences and populations, they constitute new powers or counter-powers thanks to their capacity to attract, as well as their ability to make sense of social realities and aporias with the help of adapted theologies and religious discourse.

Geraldine Mossière’s research program aims at grasping the power structure that these dynamics develop and by which they delineate new transregional political and religious geography. The term "power" here encompasses both the authorities that emanate from these new ethical and political configurations as well as the mechanisms put in place to extend them. Geraldine’s research program focuses on religious mobility by developing: 

1. Missions, conversions, reconversions, and religious mobility.  What innovations?

2. Current religious competitions, new ethos, and mobility of knowledge.

3. Circulations of actors and mutations of religious imaginations.

Member Type
Corresponding Fellow