Kasso A. Okoudjou was born and raised in Bénin, where he completed his undergraduate studies in mathematics in 1996. He moved to the US in 1998 and earned an MS in electrical engineering and a PhD in mathematics at the Georgia Institute of Technology in 2003, working under the supervision of Chris Heil. He has held positions at Cornell University, the University of Maryland–College Park, Technical University of Berlin, MSRI, and MIT, among others. He is currently a professor in the department of mathematics at Tufts University. His research interests include applied and pure harmonic analysis, especially time-frequency and time-scale analysis, frame theory, and analysis and differential equations on fractals. He is also interested in mathematics education, especially the wide use of active learning methods in lower-level courses to improve learning outcomes and in broadening the participation of under-represented minorities in undergraduate research in the mathematical sciences.
Kasso A Okoudjou
Professor of Mathematics
Tufts University
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