Maurice Tchuente is board chair at the University of Yaounde II in Cameroon, professor of computer science at the University of Yaounde I, member of the scientific board IRD in France, and board member of the Pan African University Council. Formerly, he was pro-chancellor at the University of Buea, interim rector and member of the High-Level Panel of the African Union Commission, involved with the establishment of the Pan African University, board chair of the National Agency for ICT in Cameroon, member of the UNU/IIST board in Macau, and science board at AUF. He is an internationally recognized expert in parallel algorithms, cellular automata theory, and social networks mining. His previous positions included Minister of Higher Education in Cameroon, rector of the University of Dschang, Ngaoundéré, and Douala, research fellow at IRD and CNRS in France, invited professor at Ecole Normale Superieure Lyon, University of Orsay, Rennes 1, Metz, Chile, Ouagadougou, IAI, Libreville. He has contributed to the creation of two international laboratories, LIRIMA and UMMISCO, between French and African Universities, and is currently the chair of LIRIMA scientific board. He is a TWAS fellow, was awarded the Boutros Boutros Ghali Award, UNU and C.N.R. Rao Prize for Scientific Research, TWAS, Chevalier de l'Ordre de la Valeur, Cameroon, Chevalier de la Légion d'Honneur, France, and Commandeur de l'Ordre International des Palmes Académiques, CAMES.
Maurice Tchuente
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